
Dante is the main protagonist of the Devil May Cry series. He is the son of a demon father (The dark night, Sparda) and a human mother (Eva). In his younger years, Dante was a mercenary/vigilante. Later on, he started taking on more paranormal jobs involving demons and other supernatural phenomenons. He then dedicated to hunting down and killing every demonic entity. This eventually leads him in the pursuit of those that killed his mother and “assumed” dead twin brother, Vergil.

About this cosplay:

Dante is the cosplay I am most recognized in. It’s awesome to see how many beloved fans, other cosplayers and fellow con-goers in this community get excited when they see this cosplay.

“We are the sons of Sparda. Within each of us flows his blood. But more importantly, his soul! And now, my soul is saying it wants to stop you!”

— Dante says to Vergil; Devil May Cry 3 (Capcom)


Yorrichi Tsugikuni