“You never give up! No matter what!”

This Version of Koda is when he travels to the world of Final Fantasy 14. He gets rid of his black exorcist coat and dawns a blue-armored Kimono. A lot of this design came after I had beaten Endwalker so I will refrain from spoilers. Even though this is suppose to be a Samurai I based him of a character named Auron from Final Fantasy 10.

Fun fact about this cosplay:

-Even though this is based of Final Fantasy 14, their are elements to this cosplay I wanted to keep realistic. Sometimes Final Fantasy goes a bit overboard with outfits, sometimes its impossible to wear some. But that doesn’t mean you can make an outfit they way you want it work for you.

- His title is “The Liberator”

“Remember that we once lived.”

— Emet Selch, Final Fantasy 14, Shadowbringers.



